Executive Discussion Forum: Setting your strategy, digitalizing your north star (by invitation only)
Executive Summit (invitation only)

This highly interactive session will give executives time to discuss and consider how the disruptions of the last two years have impacted industries’ digitalization strategies. Join this interactive cross-sector discussion and explore:

• Digitalization lies at the heart of most industries’ strategic plans these days. But what does this mean for your business? Get insights into how to shape your digital vision to drive value throughout your engineering and operations lifecycle.
• There are many technologies to digitize. But what are the best strategies for scaling your growth? What are the pitfalls to avoid?
• What are the strategic drivers for your business’s operations and engineering units, and how does digitalization accelerate the solutions you need?
• How can we drive innovation throughout the asset-operations cycle?
• What role does data play in the changing workplace, and what changes do we, as leaders, need to be prepared for in future?

The session will be interactive. Executives present will be seated at discussion tables of six for optimal peer-to-peer connection and sharing.